About your Sensei.


  • Your Sensei is the one who has dedicated his life to teach you karate.
  • You will never have as many years of dedication in because you came after him.
  • Your Sensei is the one who spent many days and nights opening his dojo, managing it, making it better…for YOU.
  • Your Sensei is the one who has made sacrifices you will never understand just so you have a place to train, to learn and gain in your art.
  • Your Sensei is the one who had a lot of costs, has given up his free time and family time…time he could be out doing many other things just so you can learn and train.
  • Your Sensei is the one who has invested thousands of dollars in his own training just to learn how to teach you properly.
  • Your Sensei is the one who has sometimes damaged body, skin and face but still showed up to teach class.
  • Had a migraine, was sick, had a bad day, had a bad period…, but still showed up to teach class.
  • Divorced his wife... and did you stand next to him for this period?
  • Did you maintain and are you still with your Sensei?
  • Your Sensei has spent more time in a dojo than most of you that train with him have been alive.
  • Your Sensei is the one who is always there for your training…
  • Your Sensei quite often sees a need and fills a need for their students.
  • He sees that a poor kid who has anything and needs sparring gear and he just go ahead and get it.
  • He saw that his adult students losing their jobs and says “Don’t worry about paying til you’re caught up”.
  • This is the role your Sensei plays and it demands respect.
  • I shouldn’t have had to even write this blog…but, then again, people live in a shallow world these days.
  • Perhaps we should step out of it, be bigger and better, and then the world will change.
  • Respect your Sensei, take care of your Sensei, honor your Sensei…
  • Because, one day, your Sensei will no longer be around.